Learning in
REAL time...
The REAL (Reading and Educational Assistance for Learning) Program's mission is to improve literacy in Lynn, Massachusetts—a city 100,000 people call home.

Whatever your age, no matter how far into your literacy journey—we're here to help!

Good teaching is invaluable to our children, families and community. COVID-19 measures have magnified how much school community matters. Retired teachers bring depth of experience to our program as mentors.
All parents want the best for their children. If you need help with resources, or ESL skills to guide your children with their education, The REAL Program is here to support you and your family.

Volunteer opportunities include working with children, parents; collecting and distributing childrens' books; fundraising; grant writing; technical assistance; administrative assistance; and more. Try us!

Monthly donors, corporate sponsors, annual givers, individual supporters, in-kind donors are important to our sustainability and our efforts to improve literacy and access to under-resourced children and families.

What People Say
We like keeping it REAL, so we are always asking for feedback!
Victoria Hackett, M.Ed.
Founder of Outdoor-Classrooms.com
Did you know that the city of Lynn, MA only has 1 public library and only half of the children attend preschool? The REAL Program is filling this void. Literacy is the name of the game at the REAL Program and their unique programming and multi-generational approach to learning and teaching is what sets them apart. With Literacy as a core value, The REAL Program has become a safe haven and a place for so many children and adults to thrive. The REAL Program is a community, a family, and a place that offers homework assistance, healthy snacks and an outdoor classroom, along with ESL classes, enrichment opportunities and so much more. The REAL magic is in reading.
“The more that you read, the more things that you will know, the more that you learn, the more places that you’’ll go.”
—Dr. Seuss
Kim Manon
REAL mom
Hello everyone!
I'm Kim Manon, mother of Fadi Hilali. I am writing this testimonial with lots of love and gratitude for all the support and the great services that you have provided for my son in the past five years at the Real Program. Fadi has achieved so many goals! He has improved immensely in the areas of Reading, Math and Art. I can't say enough good things; I am so grateful that he got to the point where he feels comfortable with talking in class and talking with his teacher if necessary. I couldn't be happier seeing the transformation that took place.
Thank you to all the support staff from the bottom of my heart :)
Kim Staples
For me, collecting donated books for REAL is an easy yet an incredibly impactful way to make a difference in the life and future of a child.
When I hear that more books are needed, that books are disappearing from the Little Free Libraries, it actually makes me so happy to know that clearly there is a need that is being filled and that children who are hungry to read are getting their fill. As a former Lynn public schools educator for 36 years, it gives me great satisfaction to see families, enjoying the benefits of the little libraries throughout the city.
Crystal Fernandez
Working at REAL has been one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had. Over the past few weeks, I've learned so much and grown both personally and professionally. What makes this experience even more special is my deep personal connection with the program. Growing up, I was a part of the REAL program myself, where I developed my reading skills and formed lasting bonds. Returning as an intern feels like coming home. It’s both nostalgic and amazing to be able to pay it forward and help kids who are now walking in the same shoes I once wore.

Nice To Meet You
Our team has REAL passion about this program!
REAL Board of Directors, 2024:
Jan Plourde, M.Ed., Executive Director and Board Member
Susan Plourde, President of the Board
Walter Stone, EdD, Vice President
Mary Barthelmes, Director
Betsy Brown, Director
Susan Cronin, Director
Raisa Ferreras, Director
Angel Garcia, Director
Kate Greehan, Director
Gerda Pasquarello, Secretary
Rachel Shwartz, Director
Brian Strothman, Director

And if you think our team is cute, you should see...

Key Supporters
When it comes to generosity and dedication, our sponsors are the REAL deal.
Breckinridge Capital Advisors is a Boston-based financial company with a mind on building community.

The Breckinridge team has brought volunteers to help us build little free libraries, collect books, help with our annual fundraiser, communicate with children as pen pals; arranged trips to the Museum of Science and we REALLY look forward to working and growing together. Our special thanks to James, Kelly and Sabrina of Breckinridge for keeping us in their hearts and minds.
The Kurt and Therese Melden Family Foundation
The Kurt and Therese Melden Family Foundation The Meldens support since we founded has been consistent and generous. We owe a debt of gratitude to them as we may not have made the strides we have made without the confidence they have shown in our work to improve literacy in Lynn. They walk the walk!
Promise the Children UU is an advocacy group lead by Becky Richardson. Becky and her team have hosted fundraising events, Arnold's Day for the children, provided volunteers, face-masks, food, books and a community of kindness. Becky is widely respected by her Nahant neighbors and peers and Becky even made a t shirt that says "Ask me about REAL"! This is REAL advocacy.

Metro Credit Union builds stronger communities by being an active and dedicated part of the communities they serve. They provide donations and corporate sponsorships, offer financial education, organize creative initiatives, provide scholarships and volunteer time all year long. They believe in people helping people every day.